If you are teaching abroad and are interested in a possible visit to support or train your staff or to inspire and motivate your pupils, it is best to get in touch at least 4-6 months before the proposed visit to allow plans to be drawn up and to ensure the optimum dates are available, as the diary tends to fill up some way in advance.
Here’s where we have worked so far:

International Terms and Conditions – please read carefully:
Fees depend on where in the world the event is taking place, size of audience etc. We are happy to create a bespoke programme and cost it accordingly. Please email info @ andrewjeffrey.co.uk to discuss your requirements. International consultancy fees for single schools where up to 30 staff require training are £900 per day outside the UK, both plus accommodation and travel expenses. If other schools are attending we operate a sliding scale making it more cost-effective:1 School (up to 30 staff) £900 per school. For more than 30 staff we charge as per two schools.
;2 schools £650 per school
3 schools £450 per school
4 or more schools: £350 per school.
The lead school will be invoiced for the full amount however and then can reclaim from partner schools, and of course share out any travel costs by agreement between them and the other schools. Schools with over 30 staff being trained will be charged as though they are two schools.
Travel charges cover four things:
1. Transfers between home and London, and between the destination airport, hotel and school. If the school provides transfers in their own location (most do and this makes sense) then obviously this will not be charged.
2. Return flight costs between London and the destination airport. Most schools prefer to book these themselves, in which case they will obviously not be invoiced.
3. A daily subsistence charge, to cover the anticipated cost of meals and local transportation while away from home. If at all possible this should be available in local currency and delivered to the hotel. I do not have extravagant tastes in food, and prefer to sample local cuisine whenever possible. I will be guided by the school as to how much is realistic in each city.
4. For any trips via economy flights: 1 further single day fee. This is to cover travel time required on outward and return journeys, as foreign trips usually prohibit at least two days of either working at home or working at schools elsewhere on those days. Flights of less than three hours duration incur only half of this fee. If any class of flight other than economy is chosen by the school, this charge is waived entirely. This is because it is easier to work efficiently while en route, and therefore when flying business class I am happy to waive this fee, and obviously arrive in better shape for my client schools. My policy is to allow clients to make the decision either way.
NB: Accommodation costs are not usually not included in travel charges, as I know that schools prefer to book and pay for this themselves.
Payment: Full invoice will be sent on final agreement of the work, and is due for settlement by the date of the visit.