Over the years I have come across some amazing resources, both for my own professional use and for making me better organised at home. Given that I suffer from severe ADHD this is a continual challenge.
Not everything I’ve bought has been a success, inevitably, so on this page I am only sharing those things I’ve found to be the most useful.
They are arranged in three sections:: teaching resources, office stuff, and general. You can use the links below to jump between the sections depending on what you are looking for. Finally, don’t forget to check out my pre-loved book page, where I am listing a load of books I am selling on a first-come first-served basis, from my somewhat extensive library.

Teaching Resources
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Office Resources
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General Awesome Stuff
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Teaching Resources
I first met Paul McCrory in Belfast back in 2012 (ish), and it was a memorable meeting. At the time, Paul was researching for his PhD in science communication. I was performing my Magic of Maths show, and I’d never met anyone before who’d actually studied the techniques involved in this sort of ‘edutainment’. I liked him instantly, and when I discovered this year that he had published a book I couldn’t wait to read it. We got back in touch recently and he kindly sent me a PDF which I’ve devoured rapidly.
Believe me, if you are a teacher, or EVER have to give any kind of presentation, Hook Your Audience is an absolute GOLDMINE of advice, evidence and top tips that will help you stand out.
This book from Amy How has really improved my knowledge of the Rekenrek. It’s a very specific Abacus that’s ideal for EYFS and KS1. I have a set of 30 that I use for training purposes, and a giant one that I made for demos.
(See my webinar for a great introduction to using a Rekenrek)
This book will show you loads of ideas for using it in KS2 as well.
Highly recommended.
I came across the fabulous Peps McCrae at a maths conference where he was delivering a workshop on how to make teaching memorable. Having been teaching fo over 20 years I wasn’t prepared to discover just how little I really knew, so I couldn’t wait to get my hands on this amazing little book. It’s brilliant!
Office Resources

Teaching Resources
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Office Resources
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General Awesome Stuff
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General Cool Stuff
I can’t begin to tell you how fantastic this book is. I’m not surprised it’s sold millions of copies!
I bought this recently on a recommendation, and it has succeeded in shifting my mindset already. I think what makes it so brilliant is not just the the proven techniques, but the reasons WHY things do and don’t work.
Clear references neuroscience, but in a straightforward way, and I can testify that so much of what he says works – I particularly like ‘never fail twice’, for example: accept you will make mistakes, but don’t allow yourself to do so two days running.
Finally, I know that even with ADHD I can change my habits for the better.
I LOVE this sign! Purchased with my birthday money, and it was a lot cheaper than many I found.
Surprisingly bright, amazing value and has been hugely successful in letting my kids know it’s OK to come in (or not) if I am recording a video or webinar in my studio.
The link takes you to the exact one I bought, but they have loads of other designs and colours to choose from.
This fly swat is waaaaay too much fun to use but actually very practical too. I went for a balance of price and reviews, and so far it’s done its job perfectly.
I like the fact that it charges quickly too – no faffing about having to buy new batteries all the time.

Teaching Resources
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Office Resources
Click this box to jump to the office section

General Awesome Stuff
Click this box to jump to the 'general' section
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