Welcome to the Maths and Magic of the Rubik’s Cube!

This page contains  lots of useful information for schools, host venues, and parents.

What’s it about?

This unique show was created by teacher and magician Andrew Jeffrey, to celebrate the 50th anniversary of Erno Rubik’s famous invention in 1974.

Andrew’s mission is to help everyone love and understand the joy and beauty of mathematics.

What happens in the show?

The show is interactive, with games,  interesting facts, unusual objects, competitions, and of course plenty of magical surprises. 

During the show, the audience is taken on a mathematical journey through triangular numbers, square numbers, cube numbers, permutations, and more.

How long is the show?

The show lasts an hour. There is no interval.

Are there any loud bangs, or balloons?

No. Andrew is aware this is an issue for some children so avoids this.

Are children invited to help during the show?

Yes, but only if they volunteer to do so. Nobody is forced to participate.

Are there any prizes?

Yes, Andrew sometimes gives out cube-themed prizes during the show.

Will the audience be able to handle the cubes?

Yes, some of them. As part of the show, Andrew displays regular cubes as well as some very unusually shaped objects, some of which are passed around the audience for examination. The most impossible item that is passed round is a cube inside a glass bottle. Andrew makes these individually by hand, using premium-quality cubes and imported milk bottles. To find out more, or if you are interested in obtaining one, click here.

What are the venue requirements?

Audio Visual: For rooms up to and including the size of a typical school hall, Andrew has his own portable p.a. system. In larger venues or theatres, Andrew is happy to use the in-house system, as long as it has a lapel-style/lavalier/headset microphone. 

Technology: The show uses a Powerpoint Presentation containing a video with sound which needs to be projected onto a screen or white wall. The presentation is too large a file to email in advance, but it can either be run from Andrew’s USB stick plugged into the host computer, or from Andrew’s own Macbook computer which can be connected by HDMI to the host system. If the host system uses Apple and wifi, Andrew’s computer can also connect via Airplay.

Staging: The show works well on a stage, but a stage is not essential. The performance area should be a minimum of 5 metres wide by 2 metres deep. It requires 1 chair, a central table of at least 1m in length, and two side tables which must be at least 50cm in length. A cloth for the central table is ideal but not essential. Students can sit on chairs, benches, mats or the floor as appropriate.

Timings: The show requires approximately 30 minutes to set up, 60 minutes to perform, and 30 minutes to pack away, meaning the room needs to be available for 2 hours in total.

How many people can watch the show?

There is no theoretical limit to the number of people who can watch the show. The maximum number depends only on the size of the venue.

 What age groups is the show aimed at?

There are different versions – one for Primary children (the maths is aimed at Key Stage 2 but KS1 children can come and enjoy the magic too if space permits), and one for Key Stage 3.

Are there teachers notes available?

Yes. After the show schools will be given a link to a feedback form. Once completed, this gives access to teachers’ notes so that schools can follow up on the mathematical content of the show.

Are souvenirs available?

Yes. Three unique souvenir items are available. Andrew does not sell full-sized cubes, as these are readily available from many other outlets, but following requests he does now bring a small number of cube display stands, mini-cubes (3cm x 3cm x 3cm), and miniature cube keyrings (again 3cm x 3cm x 3cm) available for purchase, subject to availability.
The stands make any size of cube look awesome by allowing them to be displayed on their point. (cube not supplied). The miniature cubes can be mixed and solved just like full-sized Rubik Cubes, and the keyrings are the same size but with a keychain attached.

How much do they cost?

The stands, mini-cubes and keyrings are each offered at the deliberately low price of just £1 to make them affordable. Please note that there is no way to pre-order or obtain these except on the day of the show, and only as long as stocks last. They are not currently available for purchase on Andrew’s website. Children wishing to buy one should bring £1 per item to the show. 

Due to the low cost we are unable to accept card payments, apologies. However we DO make an exception to this rule for those schools who wish to bulk purchase souvenirs, provided they order at least 20 items, in which case payment can be made by card.