Building Tables Fluency PDF (whole school site licence)

This is part one of our Fluency Project – for part two, click here.

This resource was born from a realisation that the children in our own school had lost a lot of their mathematical fluency; times tables is a very big part of this.

Do you (like us) struggle to find interesting ways for children to practise their multiplication tables? Fluent recall of tables gives children a massive advantage in maths, and yet the way in which they learn them can be very tedious. But not any more!

This new downloadable e-book is unlike anything else currently available – it works by encouraging children to focus on just three tables, then four, five, and so on. What’s more, there are puzzles for them to solve on every page, which will help them cement the key relationship between multiplication and division, which so often gets forgotten.

As children progress through the pages, completing grids and solving puzzles, their confidence will soar, as they see themselves becoming ever more fluent. What’s more, the site-licence edition means you are free to make copies for every teacher in the school. (If you require a copy for just a single class or year-group, see here.)
