CD-ROM: Maths Day in a Box

You are about to discover one of the best value-for-money purchases you may ever make from your school’s maths budget. And what’s more, yet again it just got significantly cheaper!! Now a small fraction of the price of the original customised version but with exactly the same amount of information!

Please don’t confuse cost with value. The aim in selling Maths Day in a Box at such a low price is to ensure that it gets into as many schools as possible.

Also, if this package were to be sold at a higher, more realistic price, we would run the risk of having the product ‘ripped off’ by people who did not want to pay for it?

Why do we claim that this product is worth so much more than its asking price?

Anyone who has ever organised a whole school maths day knows how much work goes into it.
For a start, there are the hours dreaming up and planning suitable activities. Then there is the time spent going round all the teachers persuading, explaining and supporting. Finally, there are the hours spent actually delivering instructions and carrying out activities.

Also, if you do decide to invite other schools to participate (and after reading the manual, you’ll learn why this is such a great idea), there are the hours spent writing letters, keeping track of the participants, not to mention feedback forms and certificates.

All this before you have even begun to think about the questions for the maths relay!

A conservative estimate on all of the above would be around 30 hours work, freely given up by teachers. Costing a teacher’s time at around 10 per hour, this is about 100 worth of your precious time. But relax; what if this was all available to you for less than one tenth of that figure? That’s right, you’ll be paying a mere fraction of that?

What if all of the above was already done for you by one of the country’s leading maths advisors?

Well now it is; everything you need to deliver the perfect maths day is contained within this package: yes, EVERYTHING! (You will only need to provide basic stationery and maths equipment, as the resources in this manual are all paper and CD-based.)

Is it any wonder that busy heads and maths coordinators see this as a great value package?!

Just look at what’s included in Maths Day in a Box:

    A comprehensive manual now in .pdf format, detailing specific activities, each targeted at a Year Group of Nursery, Foundations Stage, Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2, all with learning intentions linked around a central theme
    Special Magical Assembly suggestions
    PowerPoint Presentation for a Maths Relay
    Sample letters in Word and .pdf format
    Most importantly of all, a step-by-step guide which takes you effortlessly through the whole process
    Sample Certificates in both Publisher and .pdf format
    Excel Spreadsheet for tracking progress of invited schools
    Excel Spreadsheet for marking the Maths Relay
    Sample Press Release and details of the ideal photo you can produce which the local press will love!

In short, Maths Day in a Box is the COMPLETE MATHS DAY PACKAGE!!

Everything, including for the first time the A4 Manual, comes on a CD-ROM. Not only will this save time, it will save stress, and a LOT of money!!

Most of all, you will learn the thinking behind WHY things work so well as outlined, so that after you have followed the system through once, you will be in a much better position to produce your own maths days in the future.

How many disappointing training days costing five to ten times the price of this package have you attended?

Wouldn’t you rather buy a proven product which is guaranteed to save you time?

Remember, this incredibly low offer price is for a CD-Rom with all necessary files, including photos, spreadsheets, the PowerPoint Maths Relay Questions, Answers and Score sheet, and letters, and even a surprise magical bonus from the author!

(Please note that this package does NOT include actual practical maths equipment; it is expected that schools will already own the equipment needed.)

‘Maths Day in a Box’ is for schools who wish to hold a great maths day (rather than just a good one) but don’t have the time to know where to start. The manual takes you step by step right through the planning process, and includes a central theme, step-by-step guide, checklists, copyright-free letters, planning spreadsheets, ideas, posters, photographs and even a sample press release to help get some good publicity for your school!

The free CD contains copyright-free documents for schools to quickly amend and use themselves. It even includes a magic maths trick to do during assembly, and a foolproof way to get all the schools in your area involved!

New Lower Price: Now an amazing £20, plus postage.



19 in stock (can be backordered)