PDF: Fraction Jigsaws

Do you want to help your pupils learn about the relationships between fractions, decimal fractions and percentages?

Do they struggle to associate these multiple representations with each other, or to convert between them with confidence?

If so, this printable PDF might be a great resource to help them piece together, literally, these concepts. Each number from zero to 1 (going up in hundredths) is represented here in four different ways). There are many ways to use these – perhaps as a number line, a matching game or simply practice at spotting equivalent amounts.

The cleverly colour-coded images will help children see why 0.39 is 3 tenths and 9 hundredths, and why the 3 is worth much more than the 9.

Altogether you get 400 separate images, so there is plenty of variety built in – every possible number between zero and 1 which has up to two decimal places is shown in four different ways.

The very low price includes a whole-school site license too, so this works out at a few pence per pupil. Laminate the cards and they should last years – and if they don’t, just print them out again!
