What is our Vision?
To improve the confidence, self-esteem and life chances of all children, specifically with regard to their maths skills.
How will we achieve this?
We will do this by inspiring children, helping them to believe in themselves, teaching them in simple practical, effective ways, and by working with teachers to help children understand how mathematics works and how best to teach children.
Methods of Delivery?
- We will provide high-quality maths CPD in schools and at conferences
- We will deliver inspiring magic math shows and talks which show the wonder and beauty of maths
- We will produce resources in both pdf and printed format
- We will produce a free maths teaching newsletter each month to help teachers teach maths effectively
- We will maintain a website with resources that are instantly available to anyone
What are our Guiding Principles?
- Honesty and Integrity; as an organisation based on Christian principles we will always be as transparent and fair as we can about our services and fees.
- We will pay all our tax willingly, joyfully and on time. We aim to be a tithing business by 2019.
- We will offer the right advice and support to schools. Teachers want to be excellent and we want to help them realise what that entails when teaching maths. We will not grade lessons.
- We will keep up-to-date with research and act on any relevant implications for teaching & learning.
- We will build time into the diary for RRR and for family time. This includes not driving on the M25 after 4pm on Fridays. We will NEVER accept work on any of our own children’s birthdays, or the day after if it would mean travelling the evening before, however appealing the job is.
- We will not worry about money- if this business is ordained, money will follow hard work.
Magic Message Key Objectives for 2018 ?
- Publish Bar Modelling Books for KS1 and KS2
- Complete book of 52 Card activities in time for 52nd birthday (1/7/18)
- Find and partner with educational charity
- Build consultant body
- Write and publish Sixland book
- Continue journey towards being a fully tithing business
- Build 1-day pupil workshop programme (5 different ones)
- Produce new ‘Expert Event’ for Oxford University Press
Click here for the Magic Message Risk Assessment